Seed Lending Library
All 180 Wilderflower seed packets from Generation Wild that were mentioned in the Plaindealer issue (July 18-24, 2024) have already gone to eager gardeners here in town. Yea, Ridgway! The good news is that we have lots more packets of individual wildflowers in our Seed Library such as Rocky Mountain bee plant and blanket flower that were included in the Wilderflower mix. So stop in to the library and take a look at the ongoing planting possibilities.
We are proud to be a part of a growing movement of seed preservation. All across the country, and even the world, public libraries are becoming a haven for the preservation of rare, heirloom seeds. Ridgway Library has a shelving location set aside for patrons to come in and check out quality, organic, heirloom seeds.
We encourage patrons to try and save seeds from a few of their stronger plants – thus strengthening the vigor and vitality of seeds grown in our region. Those seeds can then be planted next year, resulting in plants that have genetically adapted to our region!
The Library offers annual free Seed-Saving classes and bi-annual Seed Swaps to encourage this ancient practice of saving seeds. It is our wish that the seeds that we save last for generations.
Browse our Seed Library books here (link to Seed Library Collection in AspenCat catalog)
We wish to thank the companies and local patrons who contribute seeds for their generous donations to the Ridgway Seed Library. Please support regional and local vendors as you plant your gardens.