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About Us

Blooming tree in front of Ridgway Library with clear blue sky and clouds.

Our Mission

The Ridgway Public Library is a welcoming and positive gathering space for people of all ages to experience the joy of reading, the value of lifelong learning, the usefulness of creating, the excitement of art, and the warmth of connection with others.  The library provides flexible and diverse services that meet the needs of our patrons and the community.


Monday thru Thursday: 10:00am – 6:00pm
Friday: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am – 2:00pm

A Brief History of the Library

In 1995, Ridgway residents donated time, labor, books, money, and supplies to establish a library, convinced that it would make their community a better place in which to live.  Under the leadership of an experienced and dedicated library director, Kristen Moberg, this small community library not only survived, it flourished.
On November 4, 1997, by a 70% mandate, voters approved funding to establish the newest public library district in Colorado in anyone’s memory.  Each year since then, statistics confirm a phenomenal increase in patron use.

As expansion of our resources and services became critically encumbered by our small 950 square foot leased space, the board of trustees initiated plans for a new library, first hiring library planning expert Anders Dahlgren to design a building program, and then hiring the Denver architectural firm of Bennett, Wagner and Grody, experienced library architects, to incorporate this program.  The 4800 square foot environmentally friendly building was completed in February 2004.

July of 2020 the Ridgway Library was remodeled and expanded by 50% adding a new Children’s Library and Young Adult Area, a new entryway, and a patio overlooking the beautiful Cimarrons. This was made possible due to a highly successful capital fund raising campaign led by Friends of the Ridgway Library.

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