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March 10, 2023

Ridgway Public Library
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
March 10, 2023
300 Charles Street
(A Zoom link was provided)
CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order by president Sally Trapp at 1:01 P.M.
PRESENT: Trustees Julie Duff, Sandy Hennessy, Sally Trapp, Jenny Williams, Alison Etheridge and library director Amy Baer.  Dickson Pratt attended for public comment along with board of trustees applicant Julie Herrmann.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Secretary Sandy Hennessy requested approval of previous minutes with corrections suggested by board members.  Julie Duff requested those corrected minutes to be sent to trustees.  Julie Duff moved to approve the minutes and Sally Trapp seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.
Next regular meeting date will be April 14, 2023 at 1:P.M.  An executive session date was set for April 7, 2023 at 1:P.M.
FRIENDS UPDATE: Friends of the Ridgway Library will hold their next meeting on April 12, 2023.  Sally Trapp will attend.  At that meeting they plan to approve a transfer of donations to the library for the amount of approximately $28,000.00.
Julie Herrmann was interviewed as an applicant to fill the vacancy on the board as Dickson Pratt leaves. Julie will fill the vacancy until December of 2023 at which time she will have the option to serve a full term of three years starting next January.  Interview was conducted successfully and Julie was nominated to become a board member by Sally Trapp.  Sandy Hennessy seconded the motion.  Motion approved.
Dickson Pratt received presentation of gratitude and board considered action to name Dickson Pratt title of Trustee Emeritus and ambassador to the library.  Sally nominated Dickson to be named Trustee Emeritus and Jenny Williams seconded the motion.  Motion approved.
Public comment was presented by Dickson Pratt regarding increase in tax revenues next year.
2023 goals and discussion conducted by Director Baer. The following goals for 2023 were discussed:

    #1. Training – Email protocol, further training with Sharon Morris, and CLiC workshops including possible ten-minute updates at regular meetings.
     #2. Possible use of Streamline as a district website platform to guide our website into 100% compliance using built-in on line compliance checklists. Possible redesign of library website to be more user friendly and to modernize it.
    #3.  Policies and Agreements – A.) Update of Art Show Agreement to be reviewed and revised by board. B.) Create document for board member description and create questions for interview of board of trustee applicants. C.) Director evaluations to be completed. D.) SB21-008 requirements to be met regarding sexual misconduct within the library.
    #4. Develop strategic plan.
    #5. 30-year anniversary of library occurs in 2025.  Plans may include Alison taking the lead in creating oral histories.  Possible creation of booklet.
    #6. Staff appreciation event to build relationships between staff and board.
    #7. Building and grounds assessment.
    #8. Plan board retreat.
    #9. Communicate library usage, programming and growth to community.
    TREASURER’S REPORT: Julie has added information in the comments section of the budget and this was appreciated by the board.  As previously noted in Friends of the Library update, the library should expect an amount of approximately $28,000.00 to be transferred into the library account.  And, property tax revenue can be expected in April and July.
    Maintenance Update
    Toilet has been repaired (sanitizer wipes were the issue); gutter on east patio needs repair (seam at joint has hole/contractor has been engaged but need dry weather, etc.); outside maintenance room has shelving (thanks to Richard); due to increase in trash pick-up costs I switched from 2 yard dumpster to 2 trash cans on hold list for 1 yard dumpster; pergola update (scheduled delivery for Wednesday April 19th and installation on Thursday April 20th, Richard will lead and we will work on getting volunteers. Talked with Dickson about native plant garden and will put a plan in place for spring maintenance.
    Seed Library & upcoming class
    Saturday March 11th we have seed class scheduled with Chris Lance (23 signed up to attend + library staff member, teacher w/ 2 helpers). We posted to our website, bulletin board and Facebook with good results.
    Restocked Seed Library this week and now packets are available to patrons. Merry updated sign out sheet to simplify and limited 8 packets per month to each patron. Highlighting some of our donors, who generously gave with minimal cost. Mostly just shipping fee.
    Material ordering
    Updated our Ingram ordering procedures as a Colorado Library (now 45% off books and shipping costs are more cost effective and set between FREE and $9); PLAYAWAY signed up for Standing Order Program (SOP) to update and get 5 new playaways each month at a discount (this contract is for one year). Also took advantage of Play It Forward to send old materials back and get new playaways at a discount (used weeding procedure to make decision on which materials to remove)
    Community Outreach
    Went to CTC (Communities That Care) meeting on March 2nd. Voyager is leading the meetings, but many leaders in the Ouray and Ridgway communities are involved. Goal is to provide safe places and activities for teens to do when they are not in school.
    Summer Reading Update
    All the programs are scheduled. (June 8th-July 20th). We are skipping the week of July 4th as we thought this would be best since Voyager is closed that week. We are working with Voyager so the children/families participating on Thursdays will be able to attend. Youngest Voyager group (ages 3-6) will be attending craft time on Wednesday afternoons and possibly coming to story time on Monday mornings. I will give more updates at future meetings.
    Audit Report
    Brought information to accountant last month for exemption work to be completed. Everything went smoothly. I sent in via USPS with tracking information to the state.
    PLAR (Public Library Annual Report) Report
    This report is mandated by law, the State Library collects data about Colorado public libraries and provides library professionals with important information for planning, evaluating, and budgeting. In addition, the data are reported to the Institute of Museum and Library Services and are used in national reports and the Library Search And Compare tool.  This project is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. This report is to be completed and submitted by April 13th. I have support from the CliC, if I have clarifications on any questions.
    CliC Workshop
    I attended via zoom February 23rd & 24th. It was valuable and helpful. I will share recordings when I have them available. I will be viewing more recordings as well.
    Insurance Coverage/Budget
    We set the budget at $6000 for insurance, but increase was more than we expected at $6325. It includes coverage for SB21-008 as many libraries are doing now. I sent in our renewal March 9th.
    Library Statistics
    Great turn out for programs. Really happy with the community support and circulation of materials. Meeting room use has been great for individuals and groups.
    President Sally Trapp moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:09 P.M.  Jenny Williams seconded the motion and motion passed.
    Respectfully submitted, Secretary Sandy Hennessy

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