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January 13, 2023


Approved Minutes
Ridgway Public Library
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
January 13, 2023
Ridgway Public Library
300 Charles Street
(A Zoom link was provided)
CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order by trustee Sally Trapp at 1:03 p.m. noting that all board members were present and that this will serve as our annual meeting according to our by-laws.
PRESENT: Trustees Julie Duff, Alison Etheridge, Sandy Hennessy, Dickson Pratt, Sally Trapp and library director Amy Baer.  Trustees Jenny Williams and Jeff Pryor were present via Zoom.  Jill Hepp, co-president of Friends of the Ridgway Library and Plaindealer reporter, Klyea Henseler were also present. 
APPROVAL OF PRIOR MINUTES: Acting secretary, Sandy Hennessy submitted the minutes to include a change in name to Lane Thomasson of Hockersmith and Whitmore, LLC.  Julie Duff moved to accept the minutes with the name correction and Dickson Pratt seconded the motion.  Motion approved.
NEXT MEETING: March 10th at 1 p.m.  There will be a training session at 4 p.m. on February 2nd with Sharon Morris.  Board discussion agreed upon regular meetings in March, April, June, September, October, November and December.  Meetings will be the second Friday in each month at 1 p.m.
PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no public comments.
FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY UPDATE:  Jill Hepp, co-president of Friends reviewed their meeting dates and newly elected officers.  They plan to elect a new treasurer at their annual meeting on January 18th.  Friends sent out their annual appeal letters for support of the library.  Donations of approximately $20,000.00 were received.  Jill reported this as indicating resounding support from the community.  Jenny Williams will no longer serve as Friends representative for the board.
ACTION AND DISCUSSION ITEMS: Terms and board member roster was reviewed.  Amy will advertise to fill two board member vacancies. Dickson Pratt has officially resigned and will attend the March 10th meeting as a member of the public.
Election of officers.  Sally nominated Julie Duff as treasurer. Sandy seconded the nomination.  Julie accepted.  Jenny Williams nominated Sally Trapp for president. Dickson seconded nomination. Sally accepted. Jeff Pryor was nominated for vice president by Sally and Julie seconded. Jeff accepted.  Dickson nominated Sandy Hennessy as Secretary and Jenny seconded the nomination. Sandy accepted.   Nominations were accepted unanimously. 
Board training will be held on February 2nd at 4 p.m.  Ouray board members will join the session. Zoom will be available.
Trustee notebook was reviewed and necessary documents confirmed.
Library Director Employment Agreement.  Lane Thomasson reviewed the agreement with two changes.  Added that library director serves at will of the board and that salary can be adjusted annually. Sally suggested a sub-committee to create a director six-month evaluation document.  Alison, Sandy and Sally will serve on the sub-committee.  They will report back to board.  Julie moved to accept the contract with the attorney’s changes.  Sandy seconded the motion. Motion carried. Sally suggested a sub-committee to create a director six-month evaluation document.  Alison, Sandy and Sally will serve on the sub-committee.
Plan to make 2023 goals at March meeting.  Brochure will be discussed.  We also will work on email addresses for board members.  North side bathroom needs repair and Roto Rooter called.
Pergola update and we will receive another credit so that we can install it.  Richard will be lead installer and will be appropriately compensated.  Should be installed in April.
Library signage is complete and all signage in library is now in place.
Library history from Dickson who was contacted by Dan and Mary Solomon who began library.  Dickson will update the history to include the Solomon’s contribution.
TREASURER’S REPORT:  Julie presented the end of year budget, stating that we have more revenue than we had planned.  This helps us to build reserves and we currently have $78,227.15 in reserve. Therefor the reserve will not need to be touched.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Amy discussed library statistics and meeting room statistics.  She noted that meeting room usage is up to 727 meetings, noting that increasing this usage was one of our previous goals.  Community outreach includes continued work with Voyager and support of Uncompahgre Watershed by displaying their banners at the front entrance of the library.  Summer Reading Programs and reading incentives are being planned to include children, teens, and adult patrons. Amy intends to also work with the Ouray Food Bank and 2nd Chance.
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Julie recommends a staff appreciation party.  Item to be discussed as a future goal at next meeting.
MEETING ADJOURNMENT: Sally moved to adjourn and Julie seconded.  Meeting adjourne

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