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April 14, 2023


Ridgway Public Library
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
April 14, 2023
300 Charles Street
(A Zoom Link was provided)
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by president Sally Trapp at 1:06 p.m.
PRESENT: Trustees: Julie Duff, Julie Herrmann, Jeff Pryor, Sally Trapp, Jenny Williams, Library Director: Amy Baer
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Julie Duff noted that Secretary Sandy Hennessy made a change to the minutes adding the word “approximately” to the amount expected to be donated from the Friends of the Library. Sally Trapp made a motion to accept the meeting minutes with the correction and Jenny Williams seconded it. Motion was approved    

Next regular meeting will be Friday June 9th at 1:00.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: No Public comments.
FRIENDS UPDATE: Friends presented Director Amy Baer and Treasurer Julie Duff with a check for $30,000 from the end of the year “fund raising” in 2022. This amount was a great show of support for the Library from the community. Friends plan to have an event on June 3 with chalk art, activities, etc. They also discussed supporting the library in the future for other programs including adult program. The Chamber of Commerce is having a volunteer sign up event and Friends will be attending. Their next meeting is May 3 at 1:30, Jenny Williams will attend for the Board of Trustees.

  1. The Director six-month report was discussed and reviewed with Amy. Sally Trapp reviewed the process of how the report was developed and highlighted some of the comments which were very supportive of Amy’s performance and the scores. A goal was set to job descriptions in place and have performance review process in place for the library employees by August. A raise in salary was also discussed. A motion was made by Julie Duff to give Amy a 5% raise based on the six-month report.  This motion was seconded by Jeff Pryor and the motion carried. Another six-month report will be done in August.
  • The board Reviewed goals from last meeting and discussed the priority and were set as follows. We will make reviewing the goals a standing agenda item:Board emails – in progressSB21-008 – planned for the June Board meeting, Jenny Willams will lead this discussionPolicies & AgreementsArt Agreement – JuneBoard Member Job Description and Questions for interviewStaff appreciationWebsite – September goal – which company and move forwardBuilding/Grounds – ongoingTraining – ongoingBoard retreat – include strategic plan and communicate outcomes to the Community, 30-year anniversary – schedule at end of year
    • Director Evaluation (6 month – complete) and 12-month review
  • The Board reviewed and discussed the FAQ sheet from CLiC regarding CO open Meetings Law. We reviewed it, and focused on the information about emailing and texting.

 Julie Duff shared the current budget information and noted a few changes from the printed copy including the CDE grant received was partial, still expecting $5,000 total in addition to another grant we will be receiving for $5,000 from the Dave and Mary Wood fund.
Amy Baer
Still communicating to get gutter on east patio repaired (seam at joint has hole/contractor has been engaged but need dry weather, etc.); on track for pergola delivery for Wednesday April 19 and installation on Thursday April 20th , Richard will lead and tentatively have 3 other volunteers. Will engage with Silver Creek Property Care to manage outside areas of the library for summer maintenance.
Great turnout for seed class last month. Lots of activity in the seed library. Continued good turnout for children and teen groups. Also reviewed the State report that shows information about staffing, programming, internet access, etc. collected from the state in everyone’s folder.
Sally Trap moved to Adjourn the meeting at 2:30, Jenny Williams seconded the motion and the motion passed.

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